Start by being two, and a twin. Wear the biggest pom-pom you can find. Don't bring directions, you don't need them. You're two. Let this be one of those places so familiar to you that you don't even know where it is, just what it's like. Be curious. Find out. Look in the barn, open cabinets, flush the toilet, see what happens. Look for animals, find only the dog. Be curious about her, but shy. Fall in love with the riding lawn mower. Point to things. Eat as many tangerines as your mom will let you. Hop on pop. Hug your aunt, she sounds like mom. Sleep in a tent (indoors) with a tiger (stuffed). Be adored. Wake before everyone else, open doors, peek inside. No one really minds. Wave goodbye when you leave, buckled into your carseat again. Forget your sippy cup. Make dad drive back. Drive away again. Grow up a little, not too much.
Come back. Come back soon. You are missed.
This is so completely lovely and perfect, and I'm a little jealous that you thought of writing something like this. :) LOVe, love, love it. And photos are fantastic. You made me wish I could be a 2-year-old boy. Very sweet post.
I haven't had time to digest the other posts yet. It seems I turned my back for a second and you posted a bunch. Glad to have you back to often. Not so glad to have blogger sites blocked at work.
Thanks Barb! This is going to be the first in a little series I have in mind. I needed a project to go along with some of the portraits I've been doing, and realized last night that this is it! How To Visit The Mini-Farm! So glad you liked this one. I sure had some cute subjects. :-)
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