Sunday, May 06, 2012

Four Months In

Things are a lot more green now than they were in January. The garden is different here than it was this time last year, too. This weekend something shifted and I started to feel like things are progressing more than they are decaying, or going wild or reverting back to some unmanageable state. 

I still have no idea what I'm doing. YouTube videos will tell you how important soil preparation is in putting together an asparagus bed, but I bought my crowns late in the season, planted them even later, and just scratched a little compost into the bottom of the bed by way of prep. We'll see. That's how everything is now, we'll just see. Horseradish is supposed to grow with the ferocity of dandelions, so I just dug a hole and dropped it in, pretty much. Putting in three rhubarb plants might be overkill. I don't care. What's the worst thing that happens? Dig one up, send it to someone else's yard. 

I'm counting on things being forgiving, to a certain extent, and trying not to get too attached to anything. In the garden, I don't have a problem falling in love with what's easy, or seems so - kale, raspberries, potatoes, nettles, sorrel. It's just too bad that I don't like the taste of dandelions, because we're awfully good at growing those here.


Barb said...

Love it.

Anonymous said...

Have you put any dandylion greens in salads?

Heather said...

I should, I might like them if I just used the little tender ones in with other greens. Today I googled the hell out of dandelion fritters and got all excited to make some, but when I got home, every single flower had turned into a puff! Mac and cheese instead!

mckenzie said...

haha, we have pretty much the same we'll see philosophy