Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Stole This from You

Our fridge in Vermont

So you know how you take all those polaroids and make the collages on your wall out of them? We kind of ummm co-opted the idea. Only we put the pictures on our fridge.

Here's how it works. Every time a new person visits the house we take their picture. No retakes, no demurring and you only get to do it once. The photo gets taken and put up on the fridge. And now we magically have over 60 people up there!

In web parlance - over 60 unique visitors!

Some have only been once - like Eugene's 2nd cousins by marriage, who we ran into at the ski area and invited back with their nine-year-old daughters. That was an evening, as you can imagine. It was the sort of night that makes you look at little kids and be glad that they come out so cute and break you in gradually. They were darling and precocious and a handful and I felt like I needed a whole 'nother weekend after they left.

Then there are the ski people, the kayaking people, even the climbing people. And lots of Eugene's family. And Mom.

Sometimes, when it is just the two of us for the weekend, I will go and look at the fridge and the faces and I can't believe that it's only been two years that we've had the house and yet we've had that many people! And that many good memories there.

I'm glad that I totally ripped off your idea. I'm now a shameless plagiarizer.

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1 comment:

Heather said...

I love it! A completely appropriate co-opting of my brilliant idea.