Friday, November 03, 2006

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

I didn't mean to lie about my birthday. It's really today, November 3rd. I just got confused. You know, when you don't have to know what day it is and all.

But really, this is just an excuse to use a photo of my new obsession. The wood stove. I can light fires! They stay lit!

If the roads are clear, I'm going to do that gorgeous drive to Durango again (did you know that one thing I've learned about myself on this adventure is how very very much I love to get in the car and drive?) and sit in a coffee shop to do my writing. That's the big b-day celebration.

Now. Don't you want to wish me a Happy Birthday and tell me how much you love me?



LadyGripe said...

Now I fully expect you to come up to Vermont. We have a wood-burning stove! How can you resist?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday and I love you very much.


Heather said...

Oh Ali, didn't I tell you? I'm going to live in Vermont next and "take care" of your house there! It was the pond that convinced me.

Except, wait... doesn't pond = mosquitos?

LadyGripe said...

there are only mosquitos in ummm july. It's really the black flies you have to look out for. But we have bug repellent that really work! Really!

You can come 'take care' of our house any time. Lord know it is veeeerrrrrry quiet there. There aren't even any Internets.


xoxo I send you big birthday kisses!