Monday, November 27, 2006

Meet the Cutest 2-Month-Old in the Known World

This is Joseph and, yes it's true, I do love him.

He has the most delicious cheeks and lips and big blue eyes and if I could make an exact duplicate of him I would. I just want to kiss him kisss him kiss him!

And then I want to kiss him some more.

You will notice that he is posing on your white woolly rug. What good is a white woolly rug if there isn't a naked baby on it, I ask you?

There are more... ummm.. revealing photos that I am sure his parents will save for when he's dating. As in 'have you seen the adorable photos of Joseph as a baby?'

The girls will be impressed - I guarantee you!

I have a special song that I composed for him which I will share with you tomorrow. I call it 'I Love Joseph."

Tonight I needs more sleep. The redeye is a killer.

Aside from the constant rain, it was a great trip! I am sorry to have left you in the blogging lurch but I was too busy kissing baby toes to find a computer.

Love you! Posted by Picasa

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