I met Katherine and Peggy for a drink last night at Licorous before we went to Cheap Wine and Poetry. Kate did an amazing job with her poems, but let's save that for another day. Anyway, the three of us were talking about blogs and how they work and how all these people in the blogosphere know each other. I was delighted recently to learn that the latest addition to our writing group was someone who has a blog I've been aware of for a while now, and they thought that was amazing, that I had randomly come across her before.
It's these little things like Winter White Week that do it - Shari is hosting the week on her blog, so her readers come look at winter white photos by clicking on the links she's posted. It's just a little way to explore, to literally see a snapshot of someone else's world. A little peeping without all the nasty paparazzi aspects of it. If only we were all satisfied with getting a glimpse into people's lives in this kind of benign way, instead of having to see exactly what poor Michelle W looks like as she brings Matilda home to NY this week and begins the long slow process that grief demands of us. I realize it's not my life, but that death has made me a little sad all week.
Anyway, I am liking joining in on the photos with some of my favorite bloggers, like Lisa S, Curious Bird, Knitting Iris, and being reminded that there are other, mostly happier, things going on in the world every minute. My other blog inspiration for the day comes from Hula Seventy, who has posted her 37 things to do before I turn 38 list. I think I need to get on it, and come up with my own. You know how I love the future, and lists like this are one of many ways to fling yourself wholeheartedly into it. I love that.
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