Monday, October 11, 2010

I didn't know how to choose

Photo class this quarter is portraits. I already have so many of Jessica that I could print up, but I'm sure I'll still be after more as the quarter proceeds. This weekend we sat in my car talking, in the parking lot at the school, looking out at the rain, the wet fields where she and James walk Champ, the old barn that's falling down on that side of Edison. As always, she just looked so pretty. She's one of those people who, for me, seems to have a face that is perpetually full of good intent.


Lisa said...

I agree wholeheartedly.

chelsea jade said...

champ the cat? because that would be awesome.

Heather said...

Ha! I can see how it would read that way, but no, Champ is a dog. An awesome dog, though. :-)

jessica lynn bonin said...

what i love best is: there's a bunch of dirt on my face. heather?

Heather said...

Jess - I wanted to capture the real you. Hee! No, you were washing the truck! Just looks like freckles... cute freckles.