Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gambling Away Our Lunch Money

Last night, Euge and I attended a casino-themed benefit for an organization called The Catalog for Giving. Daniel Craig (Mr. Sexy-New-James-Bond) was not there, but it was pretty fun nonetheless.

And since I am a boring married lady, who thinks her husband was pretty damn fine looking in his french cuffed shirt and pinstripe slacks, I probably wouldn't have noticed Mr. Craig anyways. Right?

Any hoo, it was a fun evening, though we gambled away all of our play cash. There was an open bar and your typical rubber-chicken appetizers, but the fun of playing blackjack, without the risk of actually losing all of your real money, made it super fun.

Plus, it was for a good cause and I got extra kudos for designing a pretty sharp invitation. If I do say so myself.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That is sharp indeed!