Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Presence

Hey readers, have you all met Camryn before? She's an important person in the Malcolm Sisters' world - she's our niece, the daughter of our step-sister, Crista. Here's a shot of her in the new wellies I gave her. I think these boots might be the best Christmas present I gave this year, mostly because it was really entertaining for me to watch her pull them on as soon as she opened them, and then clomp around looking silly. You all should know by now how much I love the silly. I bought the boots a size too big so that added to the effect. Camryn's at that great age where she doesn't completely get the full extent of the Christmas thing. What this means is that when she opened a present and got a baby doll, she was just totally into the baby doll, absorbed by playing with it, and unaware that there was a whole pile of gifts behind it, waiting for her to open them. I loved being witness to that - may we all be so easily satisfied with our gifts. This year, I have to say, I was.

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