Sunday, December 03, 2006

One Last Day

This is it. I just went out to feed the horses (they get hay now that snow is covering the ground) and the sun is starting to set. It's been really hard to pack today. Not that packing is so complicated, it's convincing myself to pack that's difficult. I think I can safely say that these have been two of the best months of my life. It's a good thing I miss you Seattleites so much, otherwise... oh, and the lattes, let's not underestimate the seductive power of a latte. Next Monday morning, I'll be at Fiorre, on my way to work, and everything will be back to normal. Well, everything except me, that is. I don't think I'm going to be normal after this. I think something else entirely is going on. We'll just see what it turns out to be.

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