Friday, June 15, 2007

Here I Am! Here I Am!

I have to say, I consider my stay at the Four Winds Motel outside of Durango to be the pinnacle of my road trip. This motel is exactly what a road trip motel should be, fake wood paneling, one of those lampshades with the plastic cover, a TV mounted on the wall like they are in hospitals. I think the free wi-fi is super funny, especially since when I asked the guy in the office if it would just show up or if I needed a password, he said "No, it'll be there. Well, you might have to dig for it a bit, it's kind of finicky." Then he told me about how they're all college students and one of them is an IT guy, so he tries to fiddle with it and get it working right. But I was distracted, cause I was wondering how you "dig for" the internet. Anyway, he was nice. Made me a little more comfortable with the fact that I'm not so sure that my door really closes all the way. Heh. Hmm.

Don't worry though, by the time you read this, I'll be off to town, for coffee, and the book store, and the yarn store, and the grocery store. I need to stock up so I don't have to leave the puppy for one eeny little instant!

By the way, I've been updating my Flickr site with photos from my road trip, take a peek!

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