I am such a terrible shopper. I can't see the trees for the forest, I have no stamina, and - unless I know exactly what it is I want to find and buy - I cannot motivate.
Unfortunately, my clothing is trying to motivate me on it's own. None of it (or, rather, very little of it) is fitting me! My waistbands have all hiked their way up my ribcage.
So I keep telling myself that I am going to woman up and head to a maternity shop. But then I think about shopping by myself and I'm afraid I'll end up collapsing in tears and, in a moment of quiet desperation, I'll wind up sporting a tent with a Peter Pan collar

You can see what a quandary I am in! I could also end up surrendering to the world of synthetic fabrics and 'slimming' oversized prints and end up like this
I wish you were here, with all of your ninja-like shopping reflexes... your unerring eye and your ability to get me to part with cash. I am never as successful at shopping as I am when I am with you.
Please, please send me some shopping mojo. Or soon I will have to wear my robe to work.
You're in HR - that would be wrong, right?
I wish you were here, with all of your ninja-like shopping reflexes... your unerring eye and your ability to get me to part with cash. I am never as successful at shopping as I am when I am with you.
Please, please send me some shopping mojo. Or soon I will have to wear my robe to work.
You're in HR - that would be wrong, right?
Hi! As I told u on a comment before my name is jesica from Argentina. I was blogging and I enter to your blog and I loved it. So now I'm kind of a everyday reader. I hope I can help u with your mom style... I know that u need to feel confortable because its about u. So dont be afraid to go shopping just go on a day that you wake up felling beautifil than ever; u seem a person that know about fashion.
Talk to u soon
What a scream. I think that Pea in a Pod shop has pretty cute stuff. I wibder if they are on your side of the world?
I know you'll find comfy cute stuff even though HM isn't there to lead you to it!
agreed, pea in a pod is the way to go.
five years ago la perla did a great maternity nightgown out of stretchy black fabric, I'm sorry to say it is about to completely disintegrate from whatever corrosive enzyme I am secreting in my breastmik, but I got five good years out of it. I bought it at Pea in a Pod...
also must have: get one of those cozy solid color zip up sweaters that goes to your knees.
You laugh now...
Oh my dear! I'm so sorry. No, do not resort to wearing your bathrobe to work. That would not make you feel nice.
Really, you picked the perfect time to get pregnant, since 2007 is the year of maternity wear. Urban Outfitters, ANthropologie, lots of pregnant lookin stuff. I know you can handle it.
Or maybe it's time for an emergency NYC visit before I start a new job? Isn't someone's birthday coming up?
Have you seen the Pea in the Pod ad in the NY Times style mag!
She's rockin' the sequins!
It's all you!
Ohhh, but really, you don't want to spend Pea in the Pod dollas(well maybe on a few things) on clothes your only going to wear for a few months...not when there's MOTHERHOOD MATERNITY...da dah dum. Is it bad construction? Yes! Are the fabrics natural?, OK, not necessarily and you have to look up the content before you buy, but they have good dresses and blouses and they are CHEEP eep epp! And they have a website of course so you're weary little self can shop from the couch, just return it if it doesn't fit...and get bigger than you might otherwise think, I found that their stuff runs small, especially for a twin carryin' mama!
Um, I went to H&M and bought a bunch of stuff - apparently it is so hip to look pregnant that virtually all of their clothes can be worn as maternity clothes - at least for the next couple of months.
For $150 I scored 4 dresses and three tops... So I don't have to be completely hideous yet AND I don't have to hit the maternity stores which, frankly, creep me out a bit with their headless pregnant mannequins. Yikes.
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