Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Walk Photo of the Day

It's in my nature to look for daylight for my blog photos. True, there are the food photos, which are nearly always blurry, taken by fiddling with the settings so that I can get more light in what is usually a dark restaurant or cozy dinner table at someone's home. But there is something very different about indoor darkness.

The truth is, it's pretty dark around here right now. Yesterday I realized that it didn't make sense to hold up the blog posting while I wait for it to get light again. Might as well take those pictures in the dark that I'm mired in right now and just see how they turn out. I'm trying to approach the writing the same way too, just play a little, go for the shiny objects, make it simple, a few shapes, moved around like those tangram toys that were never really all that fun when you were a kid. I can appreciate the simplicity of something like a tangram a lot more now.

So, there you go. That's why the photo above is the walk photo of the day. It's the walk home, since the walk to work is still light, though just barely. This was the week when I started to catch the sunrise as I walked out my door. Before now, there hasn't been a trace of pink in the sky when I started. I was taking it easy on myself this week, so I was even starting a little later than usual. The internet tells me that sunrise is actually happening at 7:47am and will head progressively closer to 7:57am, a minute later eevery few days until January 7th, when it'll all turn again. Until then, let's try to enjoy the dark together, at least a little, okay?

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