Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kate Served Pie

I would have told you that, once upon a time. I would have told you about that, and I would have told you about camera class, and Cafe Presse with Letch, and dinner with Kirsten and walking the grey beach with Court and sitting in Caffe Fiore watching the light hit Karl's familiar hazel eyes a certain way, and a hundred other things I've done since I last wrote something substantial here. I have taken so many photos lately that I would not have known which to post here first but all of them would have given me an idea of what to write. 

The photos are different now. The point and shoot was broken and not replaced. Instead, I bought the good camera, big and time-consuming and memory-absorbing. The photos are more precise, more light-filled, but they yield themselves less easily and become just one more hurdle to using this as a notebook, a place to come and spend a few minutes, dash something off and let it be just what it is. Now there is converting to do with the digital SLR, scanning to do with the toy camera photos, and developing and printing with the Pentax K1000 I have on loan from Chris for my Black & White 1 class. 

The writing follows suit. Fewer words, and fussier. More fiddling.

And still. Something good is going on. It feels like investing. It feels like those first runs before you get comfortable, acclimated, strong enough to wake easily for the short few miles that leave you feeling good all day. Something in me is strengthening and getting better, I learn and grow more patient and know better what to do with all this light. 


Barb said...

I love it! I can't wait to see what comes next!

Anonymous said...
