Today was the first harvest of the year - nettles and sorrel for soup. By the time we got around to it, our visitors had already packed up and headed home, leaving me with this fantasy about a nettle soup party next year, timed to coincide with the fresh halibut available at the co-op, and the tulips blooming in the fields.
We chip away at the yard - Tom moving strawberries, me picking weeds here and there, or buying sweet onion starts at the co-op or bare-root trees from Territorial Seed. I still want artichoke starts, and we are out of parsley seed, the blueberry bushes need sawdust and to be moved to a permanent home. They could use a few friends too. The rule of thumb seems to be two per person, and we have two total. Last year the pattypan squash were one of our biggest crops, and they were so delicious, the start of my newfound love of roasting, really, and yet they somehow slipped my mind completely when I was making my mental inventory of things to plant this year. We'll have to fix that.
Thanks for the Saturday adventures. I hadn't read the artichoke wish, so that was a plus! I hope we can play again soon. Port Townsend? Or ?
Sounds so lovely! I always think about planting in VT, but i think the critters would get to forage before I would!
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