I would make this one of the seven things -
but you already knew that we went to the Star Trek Convention - right?Oh, crikey - look how many lovely posts you've put up! And look how awful I've been about responding in kind.
I think we can blame it on Eugene... and work... and my inability to acknowledge that we actually have web access in Vermont now. I'm still a bit in denial about that last one, really.
Any hoo, I am not quite ready to address your meme, unless I do it in the shallowest, most superficial way possible.
Oh wait, that works for me!
Hmmm, seven things that our viewers may not know about me... that's tough, as I am not very mysterious... but I will try.
1) I love video games.
Scratch that.
I love bloody violent video games where I get to eviscerate every creature in sight and send blood and guts spewing and jump all over the place.
It's cathartic.
2) I am fascinated by royalty. I blame Mom and her waking us up to watch the wedding of Charles and Diana. I was impressionable!
Now if only I weren't too old for those yummy Windsor boys. Harry's a redhead even! Grrr.....
Oh right, and I'm married.
3) I never throw rubber bands out. Or the forks and spoons that come with delivery food. Or all those packets of soy sauce and duck sauce.
Basically, I should just let the delivery restaurants know that we are fully stocked and don't need anymore. A moratorium on duck sauce delivery! Huzzah!
4) I believe that I have psychic phone sense. I can almost always guess who it is before I pick up the phone.
Amazing, no?
Oh, and I don't mean the cell phone... where I have caller ID
5) The three sites that I cannot function without visiting are: people.com, celebrity-babies.com and nytimes.com.
I needs me some gossip, some trashy photos and then a touch of class from the Gray Lady, to make me feel better about myself.
Which is the same reason why I read The NewYorker on the subway, really.
6) It is virtually impossible for me to go to sleep before midnight. Usually because I am watching some crappy television or playing a video game.
And even when I go to bed I have to read for a half hour before I fall asleep.
I think this is a bizarre family trait from Mom. But I refuse to give up my E! or the SciFi channel.
I mean, you can tell from the photo above how dedicated I am to the SciFi Channel.
7) I have no idea what the last movie that I saw in a theater was. I virtually never go to movie theaters. Partially because of time constraints and partially because I get too aggravated with people talking during movies.
In the same way that I can't take cabs, because I get too aggravated by the driving.
Wow - there is nothing particularly insightful of soul searching on that list, but that wasn't a particular requirement was it?
Love you!